MUS-E Cyprus activities 2019-2020

MUS-E Cyprus is presenting the activities 2019-2020 to take place across the island and engages participants through the attractive and innovative experience of the Music Up Close Network European Project.
All musicians, artists (any visual art, photography, new media arts), dancers, actors/storytellers who feel that they have something to offer to young audiences are invited to know more about how to work for MUS-E Cyprus
MUS-E brings qualified artists into classroom to work with children and teachers during curricular hours to produce multi-art works together. In the unfolding of these joyful actions, children acquire skills that help them to be healthy, balanced, creative, inclusive, curious and conscious, today and in the future. The event is connected to the EU funded project ‘Music Up Close Network- Connecting Young Audiences to Orchestral Music’ and includes Sophie Lupcin, Head of Communications at the International Yehudi Menuhin Foundation; Efthimios Angelakis an experienced MUS-E artist working in Portugal and Louise Ehkirch, Music Up Close Network artist.